How to Clear Dark Knuckles !
There are number of factors that cause dark knuckles, example: hot water,dry skin and medical conditions. Here are some of the easiest,affordable and effective home remedies that you would love to try out for dark knuckles .
3 Ingredients that will be needed to clear dark knuckles!
There are number of factors that cause dark knuckles, example: hot water,dry skin and medical conditions. Here are some of the easiest,affordable and effective home remedies that you would love to try out for dark knuckles .
3 Ingredients that will be needed to clear dark knuckles!
- Brown Sugar
- Lemon
- Potatoes
Brown Sugar:
Potatoes, contain natural bleaching agents that lighten skin when used regularly overtime.
Note: To avoid negative reactions,always patch test on arms.
- Brown sugar is an excellent skin exfoliator.
- Its also a hydrating agent and it looks moisture into the skin cells and guards down skin dryness.
Lemons are rich in vitamin c and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin overtime.
- Grate the Potatoes, (You will need 3 tablespoons of potatoes)
3 tsp.Potatoes.
3 tsp.Brown Sugar.
3 tsp.Lemon.
Mix the ingredients together and apply to your knuckles, exfoliate for about 3 mins.
Use the Ingredients twice a week,store your remaining ingredients into the refrigerator.
Note: To avoid negative reactions,always patch test on arms.
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